The Hogg Bird Sanctuary at Memorial Park is home to many local birds, including nesting species like the White-winged Dove, Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, Tufted Titmouse, and Blue Jay. Situated near Buffalo Bayou, waterbirds like the Snowy Egret, Great Blue Heron, and Belted Kingfisher visit. The sanctuary is also a fly-over resting area for migratory birds.
In 2017, Houston Parks Board, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, and the Memorial Park Conservancy formed a steering committee to recommend improvements to the refuge. Their work was informed by a 2016 commissioned study on the ecological significance of the sanctuary and Memorial Park Conservancy’s master plan. In 2018, we began reforestation, clearing mulch and invasive species, and planting native trees. Reforestation seedlings will be planted every three to four years. Read the FAQ on the study here.