Barron F. Wallace, Chairman
Jill Jewett
Vice Chair and Vice President
Tom Flaherty
Joseph Dilg
Assistant Treasurer
Cullen Geiselman
Michael Skelly
Assistant Secretary
Roxanne Almaraz
Don Aron
Maire Baldwin
Kristin Garcia Blomquist
Margaret W. Brown
Deborah Cannon
Alberto P. Cárdenas, Jr.
Caton Fenz
Lex Frieden
Mindy Hildebrand
Sis Johnson
David Kinder
Ann Lents
Jacqueline S. Martin
Ruthie Miller
Jamie F. Patterson
Christopher Porter
Andrew Price
Leslie Elkins Sasser
Laura Spanjian
Herman L. Stude
Phoebe Tudor
Nina O'Leary Zilkha
Adrin Biagas
Director of Land Acquisition
Alexis Overdiek
Conservation Technician
Amanda Edwards
General Counsel
Amanda Nunley
Sr. GIS Manager
Arun Johnson
Accounting Supervisor
Beth White
President and CEO
Bridget Clayton
Conservation Technician
Candace Williams
Director of Individual Giving
Dan Howse
Asset Manager
Danny Zirilli
Sr. Capital Projects Manager
Deborah Rule
Director of Development
DK Washington
Greenspace Manager
Denise Garcia
Director of Accounting
Ethan Placke
Conservation Technician
Evelyn White
A/R and A/P Specialist
Glenn Francis
Greenspace Manager
Jordan Linhart
Capital Projects Associate
John Brandt
Sr. Capital Projects Manager
Keith Drayden
Staff Accountant
Kelly Burnett
Activation and Volunteer Manager
Kirsten Smirl
Conservation Technician
Linda Carper
Community Stewardship Coordinator
Linda Zhou
Capital Projects Administrator
Lisa Graiff
Sr. Capital Projects Manager
Lisa Kasianowitz
Outreach Manager
Liz Rebstad
Conservation Technician
Lucy Mongogna
Executive Assistant to President and CEO
Marissa Llosa
Conservation Manager
Marvin James
Greenspace Manager
Matt Nielson
Chief Operating Officer
Nicole Romano
Director of Marketing and Communications
Richard McNamara
Director of Capital Projects
Ricardo Cagigal
Conservation Coordinator
Ronny Morgan
Greenspace Manager
Russ Clements
Senior Greenspace Manager
Sophia Weinmann
Outreach Specialist
Summer Nijjer
Capital Projects Assistant
Tina M. Clayton
Development Coordinator
Trent Rondot
Conservation and Maintenance Director
Amanda Edwards
Anthony Rathbun
Beth Taylor
Carol Moffett
Chanelle Frazier
Karla Zendejas
Katy Anderson
Kathy Conopio
Kelly Whitcomb
LaTrice Monroe
Nicholas Tobenkin
Houston Parks Board Annual Report Donors
Bank of America
The Brown Foundation
Janet Clark
The J.W. Couch Foundation
Marvy Finger Family Foundation
Garver Black Hilyard Family Foundation
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
Vivian L. Smith Foundation
Susan Vaughan Foundation
ExxonMobil Corporation
Nanette Finger
Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation
Memorial Hermann Health System
Clark Condon
Domino's Pizza
J Squared Family Foundation
Ann and Johnny Johnson
The Tapeats Fund
The Vaughn Foundation
Doug Bacon
Katherine Ballenger
Bank of Texas
Shirley A. Bludau
Jan and Jack Cato
Alfred L. Cave
Virginia A. Clark
Gabriel Cuadra
Aly Dossa
Emerson Process Management
Deanna Garcia
Hardwood Products, Inc.
Cornelia Long
Dan Moody
Murphy Oil Corporation
Clayton Pedrick
Phillips 66
Connie and Roger Plank
Julie and Andrew Price
Elzora Robinson
Kelly and David Rose
RPS Infrastructure
Diana Skerl
Brian Weeks
Jessica Albert
Maggie Brown
Adrienne Casbarian
Arlyne and Robert Gibbs
Betty Guyre
Carol Haddock
Patricia M. Laurent
Emma Lehnhardt
Susan and Collin Loewen
Kristin Lucas
Marie Roper Foundation
McClure Charitable Gift Fund
Matt Nielson and Jerel Keith
The RR Family Foundation
Virginia Clarkson and Mark Ryan
Phillip L. Sampson
Thomas G. Singley
Sam Smith
Stewart Title Foundation
John E. Walsh Jr.
Alison Weaver and Jeff Martin
Beth White and Zet Smith
Mary and Bruce Wiggins
Armando Alaniz
Natalie and Rishad Alikhan
Beth Allen-Brock
Jessica and Erik Anderson
Rich Anhorn
James C. Arcidiacono
Shellye Arnold and Tina Sabuco
Lucy Barrow
Freddie Bartels
Amy Benford
Anne Bike
Valerie Boulmay
Aaron Braden
Andrew Breckwoldt
Lisa Brenskelle
Carol Brown
Megan Brown
Luke Bryson
Rev. Gregory Buffone
Katrin Canlas
Curtis I. Carlson
Katie Chase
Glenn Clark
Benjamin Coffey
Susan Coffman
Christy and Tom Compson
Jacinta Conrad
Kenneth Council
Linda Cowles
Stephanie Cowles
Keith Cox
Margaret Culbertson
Camille and Glenn Cunningham
Mary DeBauche
Michael Donatti
Susan Dray
Patricia Dupuy
Lynn Edmundson
Elaine Eisemann
Victoria and Marcus Eliason
Susan Elmore
Kamisha Escoto
Frayre Engineering & Consulting
Philip Gallagher
Mary Ganguzza
Cristina Garcia
Jennifer Garfield
Tori Gilliland
Jeff Goetz
Kenneth Goodman
Grace Episcopal Church
Daniel Greaser
Todd Guerra
Keith Guerrini
Jason and Emily Guyre
Richard Guyre
Yonnie Guyre
Katherine and Walker Hale
Allison Hartzell
Jacqueline V. Heidorn
Karen Henderson
Charlie Holt
Julia Humphreys
Betsy and Steve Hupp
Elizabeth Ivers
Carole Johnston
Gerry Karkowsky
Lisa Kasianowitz
Steven Kilbride
Linda and David Knowles
Saranne Kosberg
Christina Kuehler
Ann Langford
Glen Larner
Irene Lee
Matt and Lisa Loewenstein
Sandra Lowery
William B. Loweth
Julie Luecht
Thomas W. Matchett
Angus McIntosh
Christopher Mill
Hagen Miller
Tyler Milliren
Marielle Morgan
Louise and John Moss
Laura Mullen
Kristin Netherland
Virginia Hodge and Bruce Nichols
Martha F. Oti
Jennifer Palermo
Parul Patel
Scott Rachels
Gerrie Richards
Nicole and Joey Romano
Royal Oaks Garden Club
Deborah and Scott Rule
Susan Russel
Jayne and Patrick Rutledge
Lauren Scroggs
Daniel Seay
Anat Shaw
Virginia Sloan
Joel Smith
Ruth P. Stephenson-Strom
Mark Steuer
Mimi Swartz
Betsy Taylor
Emily Leland Todd
Ray Torgerson
April Townsend
James Vaeth
Leslie Wade
Lorri White
David Wilde
Candace and Cameron Williams
Carrie and Ronald Woliver
Patria Wortham
Jeffrey Ziga
Hildebrand Fund
John P. McGovern Foundation
Nina and Michael Zilkha
Maire and David Baldwin
Bracewell LLP
Norma and Beto Cárdenas
Crown Castle
Cuenod Families/InduMar Products, Inc.
Susie and Joe Dilg
Houston First Corporation
Jill and Dunham Jewett
Sis and Hasty Johnson
Ann Lents and David Heaney
Cornelia Long
Mike Mahlstedt
Ruthie and Adam Miller
Oshman/Lubetkin Family
Perry Homes
Macey and Harry Reasoner
Leslie and Shannon Sasser
Laura Spanjian and Susan Christian
Aliyya and Herman Stude
Phoebe and Bobby Tudor
Lisa and Barron Wallace
Randa and K.C. Weiner
White & Case
Chinhui Juhn and Eddie Allen
Dina Alsowayel and Tony Chase
Amegy Bank
Arnold Ventures
Laura and Tom Bacon
Claire and Brian Bormaster
CinerGy Works – Gracely & Childress
Chip Conley Foundation
Clark Condon
Community Health Choice
Cindy and David Fitch
Cullen K. Geiselman
Gunvor USA, LLC
Marie Louise and David Kinder
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Reinnette and Stan Marek
Eileen and John S. Moody, Sr.
John L. Nau, III
NBG Constructors, Inc.
Matt Nielson and Jerel Keith
Norton Rose Fulbright
Precious and Ore Owodunni
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Meg and Dick Weekley
Beth White and Zet Smith
Sue Sue and Don Aron
Asakura Robinson
Susan and Michael Bono
Cameron Management
Deborah and Gardner Cannon
Bettie Cartwright
Cathy Chapman
Kim and Joe Dang
Elizabeth and George DeMontrond
Marybeth and Tom Flaherty
Doe and Henry Florsheim
Esther Friedman Family Foundation/Ann and J. Kent Friedman
Annie and Bob Graham
Angie and Jim Green
Guy Hagstette
Harry Masterson/Concourse Companies, LLC
Gretchen Himsl and Caton Fenz
Vivian King
Carla Knobloch
Landtech, Inc.
LD Systems
Shelli and Steven Lindley
J.S. Martin Associates
Mission Constructors, Inc.
Wendy and Ben Moreland
Fan and Peter Morris
Roxann and Timothy Neumann
Jeri Nordbrock
Karen and Murry Penner
H. Russell Pitman
Alison and Christopher Porter
Beth Robertson
RPS Group
Deborah and Scott Rule
Barbara and Louis Sklar
SWA Group
Times Construction, Inc.
Francita and Jim Ulmer, in memory of Robert C. Stuart
Anne Whitlock and Michael Skelly
Vallette and Russell Windham
Roxanne Almaraz and Chrissy Stegemoller
Minnette B. Boesel
Sarah Comeaux and Christopher George
Susan Elmore
Sarah Flournoy
Cece and Mack Fowler
Arlyne and Robert Gibbs
Nancy and Carrick Inabnett
Ann and Tom Kelsey
Lochner – Right of Way
David M. Mincberg
Anne and Joe Romano
Nicole and Joey Romano
Kelly Whitcomb
Susan Cooley
Caroline Craddock
Crestmont Park Civic Alliance
Margaret Culbertson
Marc P. Gordon
Dr. M. Bowes and Cathy Hamill
Lindsay and Rand Holstead
Felix Ibegbulam
George Johnston
Elyse B. Lanier
Suzanne Levin
Carol Caspersen Moffett
Dan M. Moody, Jr.
Clay Nickens
Ellen C.L. Simmons
The Baxter Trust
Episcopal Health
Huffington Foundation
M.D. Anderson Foundation
Memorial Hermann Community Benefit Corporation
Phillips 66
Port Houston
Texas Children's Hospital
Thomas Conry
Joanne Crull
Dickson-Allen Foundation
Gary C. Dudley
Harvey R. Houck Jr. and Patricia W. Houck Foundation
National Christian Foundation Houston
Clifford L. Pearson
Clinton F. Wong
Bank of America
Elena Arana
The Baker's Man
Pilar Barreda
Brigitte Betancourt
Michelle Bigley
Wendy Burmaster
Katrin Canlas
Casa Maya Collective
Chic Made by Nancy
Dulce Cuellar
Jian Cui
Shane Davis
Craig Dilley
Donna Duckworth
Dulane LLC
Friends of American Legion Park
Fusion Confusion On Wheels
Denise Guzman
Michelle Hempton
Jenna Herman
The HTX Collection
Jane in July Handcrafted
Haley Jones
Susannah Kulkarni
Led Well Realty
Tamara Machado
Yvonne Martinez
Adrianna Martinez
Sara Mathias
Savannah Mills
Adrien Moshenberg
Trina Nguyen
Robin Phillips
Ready Flip Go
Mayte Sanchez
Lisa Santos
Sharron Sims
Kelsey Sledge
Aitu Taube
Mark Thomas
Ana Uribe
Stephanie Valdez
Victoria Valentine
Carolyn Wheeler
Allison White
Bridget Williams
Nathaniel Wilson
Beau Windham
Raquel Winn
Randall P. Jones
Navil Aguillon
Alan Buck
Bill Cox
Ramsay M. Elder
Shannon Evans
Howard Fisher
William R. Gamble
Jacqueline V. Heidorn
Sherry Hibbert
William Lamont
David McKee
Nancy Nichols
Lynn and James Smith
David Swenson
Earl Touchstone
The Brown Foundation
Ruth and Ted Bauer Family Foundation
Houston Tennis Association
Ray T. Anderson
Baker Hughes Foundation
Binet Family Foundation
Peggy R. Carroll
The Dallas Foundation
Todd Eccles
The Hussey Foundation
Lawson Kluttz
The Arch and Stella Rowan Foundation
Seal Legacy Foundation
Willie J. Shankle
Charles Silva Golf Lessons & Equipment
E.W. Torian
Azteca Trendy
Batholith Soaps LLC
Natalia Capitaine
Laura Casanover
Kenneth Coleman
Compean Group
Beatrice Emanuel-Sims
Jose Fuentes
Grizzaffi Coffee
Diana Guadarrama
Alfredo Gutierrez
Hancock Whitney
Sara Hernandez
Houston Farmers Market
JENeral Soul Kitchen
Kellie Langley
Elena Nanasi
Tiffany Nesbit
Luisa Orlanzzini
Planet Churro
Marlene Pollock
Biridiana Rodriguez
Sarah Rodriguez
Sew Great
Sharky’s Sno
Dalia Solis
Rebecca Tonkovich
Pet Wants Heights
Greg Marshall
Jenny Elkins
Liz Selig
Kinder Foundation
Pamela Slocomb
Consulado de Colombia en Houston
Southampton Garden Club
Theatre Under the Stars
Pasadena Economic Development Corporation
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Texas Southern University
Cheniere Foundation
Motiva Enterprises
Individual and Team Registrations
Aquasol Controllers
As of June 30, 2022
Cash Available for Operations
Cash for Bayou Greenways, Parks & City-supported Programs
Contributions Receivable, Net
Prepaid Expenses & Other Receivables
Investments & Endowment Funds
Property, Net
Total Assets
Liabilities & Net Assets
Construction Projects & Accounts Payable
Deferred & Held For Others
Total Liabilities
Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions
Total Net Assets
Total Net Assets & Liabilities
For the Year ending
June 30, 2022
Operating Revenue
Contributions, Grants & Special Events
Bayou Greenways Conservation & Maintenance
Investment Income
Project Management Income
Total Operating Revenue
Operating Expenses
Bayou Greenways 2020
Bayou Greenways Conservation & Maintenance
Park Improvements & City Programs
Total Program Expenses
Administration & Fundraising
Total Operating Expenses
Changes in Net Assets